you know what’s frustrating?

Ink cartridges. Does anyone still buy these things? I guess it’s been too long since I’ve bought some and now I can’t get my printer to recognize them. They look like they’re in there properly. I’ve taken them out and put them back in 3 times. What have I done wrong!?

Suddenly I’m wishing I had invested in some technologically savvy friends. Remember in Office Space when they take out their anger on their printer? Watch out, that’s about to me.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Ellen said,

    Did you take the plastic film off? I remember moving in to the dorms in OKC and tech people were there to help set up computers. This girl was screaming at her dad about how he broke her computer and then the tech guy pulled off that little tab. and it worked perfectly. Oh, she felt bad.

    • 2

      ha you know what? i’ve gotten that advice from a lot of people. and that’s the one thing i did right! apparently, as it turns out, my printer just didn’t want to recognize the refurbished cartridges.

      HOWEVER, i was totally baffled when, once the cartridges were working right, my documents would sit in the print queue and not print. apparently you have to “unpause” printing. that was a total doofus moment.

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